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Sunday 18 March 2018

What You Need To Do In The Event of a Flood

What You Need To Do In The Event of a Flood

Flooding is the temporary overflow of water on dry land, from as little as a few inches of water to heights enough to cover whole houses. Flooding falls under both sudden and slow-onset disasters because they can happen slowly over a number of days or it can occur suddenly without warning.

Floods that happen this quickly are called flash floods. Floods can happen anywhere but some places are more vulnerable than others, so if you live in low-lying areas, near a water body or along a coast then the probability of you crossing paths with a flood is high. The Kenya Meteorological Department put out an alert that there will be the occurrence of floods in parts of the country and other parts like counties in the lake basin, are set to receive rainfall till June.

So to maintain the safety of you and your loved ones, there are some things you have to do in case you find yourself on the business end of a flood. So below are tips on how to stay safe and dry this rainy season.

  • Avoid walking or driving through flood waters, it might seem “doable” at that particular moment but trust me flood waters are not to be underestimated, just 6 inches of moving flood waters can knock you down and a vehicle can be swept away by just a foot of water. Find high-ground and try to wait it out. You are of more value to your loved ones alive.
  • Try and stay away from bridges over fast-moving flood waters, the water weakens the foundations of the bridge making it unstable, and the added weight of vehicles make bridges one of the places to avoid in the event of a flood.
  • Always stay updated on the latest weather developments via either TV or Radio, if there is an emergency, that is the medium to be used by the authorities to alert the public on what to do, where to go, and other instructions.
  • Due to poor drainage, especially in urban areas, flood water finds a way into people’s homes, so to minimize damage, you are advised to move your most important stuff to a high safe place.

  • Always keep monitoring the water levels, especially if you live around water bodies. If you notice the water level rising, place bags of sand in front of each entrance of your home to hold the flood waters off.
  • Secure all bulky objects kept outdoors so that they are not swept by the flood waters, they could pose a very serious threat to your family and other people.
  • If water begins to flood your home, shut off the electricity to avoid the potential electrocution of you or one of your loved ones.
  • If any of your belongings get swept away by flood waters, DO NOT try to go after it. You could also be swept away by the water. Your life is more valuable than that item.
  • Always heed when prompted by the relevant authorities to evacuate your home, they are the experts. Your home will still be there when the flooding subsides.
  • If you are alerted of potential flooding, like the one put out by the Kenya Meteorological Department, you should restock your Emergency Preparedness Kit which should include a torch, batteries for the torch, cash and most importantly first aid supplies.

Floods, especially flash floods, are not to be taken lightly. They claim lives without discrimination. Your safety should be of utmost importance during this rainy season - which has been forecast to drag on till June; it would be a shame to lose such a hard working citizen like you. 

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