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Sunday 11 March 2018

The Reason Why I Started Blogging

The Reason Why I Started Blogging

Sometime back in 2016, I had reached a point in life where I felt I wanted more; I wanted to be more than I was at the time. I wanted to see more, experience more, explore and expand my curiosity and productivity.

I am very passionate about a lot of things, things that I wanted to learn more about and pursue. I am an Artist, Graphic Designer, Deejay, HRIO and new to that list are Blogger and Affiliate Marketer.

Most of all, I wanted to find a way to juggle all the above because I kinda love all of them equally, to do that meant I had to level up my productivity. So I started using Planners and documenting my daily activities, I was skeptical at first, but using planners really opened my eyes and showed me how much I was getting done but in as much as they helped, they still didn’t offer me the level of structure and organization I was looking for. While still using planners, I stumbled onto Bullet Journals or BuJos as they are fondly referred to in the Productivity Community.

Bullet Journaling had the order and structure I was looking for, it helped me so much in terms of time management and organization, bringing me to the realization of a lot of free time on my hands. Free time that I was wasting on empty pursuits like partying, social media and those darned super-addictive mobile phone games like Clash of Clans and Candy Crush.

I had found free-time that I could now pump into all the things that mattered. I learned about the 10,000-hour rule, which says you become an expert on something if you have spent 10,000 hours working on it. I decided to put it to the test and see the results for myself. I love to write, so I chose to invest my time and energy into improving my writing.

It was while I was researching about writing, that I found out blogs can be a very therapeutic and engaging in terms of expression, writing, and learning. You see, I have a very active mind, constantly thinking, constantly analyzing stuff and coming up with a butt load of ideas that just had to be channeled somewhere. That’s when I decided to become a blogger.

But my journey into the Blogosphere was a very confusing and frustrating one because I couldn’t find anyone who was willing to show me the ropes; so I decided to become my own teacher and finally managed to teach myself everything there is to know about blogging in less than six months! Yay to me!

That is one of the reasons I created this blog, to offer free top-notch and high-quality information on everything about blogging, affiliate marketing, productivity and other varying info that might be of benefit to you. I have already tested the waters and I know what information actually matters, so you don’t have to go through an ‘information overload’ and the very many trial and errors I went through. Learning through trial and error is the slowest and most frustrating way to learn something.

Blogging has become a very lucrative internet-based income source, so some bloggers in the blogosphere charge money to teach others how to become a blogger. I learned from first-hand experience that there are a lot of people out there willing to learn but they don’t have the money to pay. That is why and when I decided to offer all the information I have for free. I love to help and give back in any way I can.

 I created this blog for people I like to call “creatives” or “Galactic Thinkers”. Curious people, people like you, people who love to learn new things, expand their knowledge and grow; not just physically, but mentally. Its focus is on helping you become the best version of yourself and learning fun stuff which can add true value to your life.

So that is basically how and why I started blogging and am really glad I did because it is a very engaging and mind opening field, I have really learned a lot and I would be honored to pass on all the information I have to you for free.

Enter your name and email in the subscription box on the blog, click subscribe, and let’s get to knowing!

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